If you are worried that you may have some type of skin cancer, Florida Dermatology Associates can help. Skin cancers comes in various different types, and our dermatologists, Dr. Ruben Moreno and Dr. Frank Lee, are experts in diagnosing and treating them. In most cases, the key to curing skin cancer is early detection and treatment. Here in our Cocoa Beach, Palm Bay, Port St. John, Suntree, and Titusville, FL, offices, we use the most advanced diagnostic tools for identifying all kinds of skin cancers. With that said, here are FAQs on skin cancer that you should know.
Which Skin Cancers are The Most Common?
The most common skin cancer types include melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, and squamous cell carcinoma. The latter two are classified as non-melanoma cancers.
What Skin Cancer Symptoms Should I Watch Out For?
Consult one of our dermatologists in our Palm Bay, Cocoa Beach, Port St. John, Titusville, or Suntree FL, locations if you notice any of these skin cancer symptoms:
What are Skin Cancer Risk Factors?
Melanoma risk factors include:
Non-Melanoma risk factors include:
How is Skin Cancer Treated?
The most treatable types of skin cancers are non-melanoma types. However, if melanoma is diagnosed and treated before it has had a chance to spread to your lymph nodes, there’s a chance that it can also be cured. The primary goal of skin cancer treatments is to remove all the cancerous cells. Usually, the gold standard treatments are surgical, but non-surgical procedures may likewise be recommended under specific circumstances.
Common surgeries used for treating skin cancer include standard excision, Mohs micrographic surgery, and electrodesiccation and curettage. Basically, the kind of surgical procedure used will significantly be dependent on the tumor’s type, location, and depth. Chemotherapy, radiation, and/or immunotherapy may also be recommended for advanced skin cancer cases or when the patient isn’t fit to undergo surgery.
For More In-Depth Information on Skin Cancer, Give Us a Call.
Contact Florida Dermatology Associates to arrange your appointment with Dr. Ruben Moreno or Dr. Frank Lee. You can reach our Cocoa Beach, Palm Bay, Suntree, and Titusville, FL, offices at (321) 768-1600 and reach our Port St. John office at (321) 264-6266.